[RFI] BPL news today's WSJ

Jim P jvpoll at dallas.net
Mon Dec 19 22:21:00 EST 2005

They are going to get squashed like a bug by Verizon
and their FIOS offering and SBC and their "Project
Lightspeed" product.

I just have a question: Is this 150 mil coming out
of the rates I pay for electric service to TXU?

I have another question too: Have the electic utilities
(esp TXU north of Dallas) given up on tree trimming?

I can point out several dozen areas JUST on the way
too and from work where trees are coming into
contact with distribution-class lines and their
growth is 'inhibited' as a result.

Jim   // WB5WPA  //

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com>
To: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 5:27 PM
Subject: [RFI] BPL news today's WSJ

> Excerpts and paraphrased portions:
> ------------------------------
> Today's Wall St. Jour. (Friday 12/19) reports on p. B1 that Current
> Communications Group and TXU Electric plan to offer BPL to more than 2
> million customers in Texas.  It is reported that this is the biggest
> deployment of BPL in the U.S.   The schedule calls for the rollout before
> the end of 2006.   Current is already operating BPL in the Dallas area and
> elsewhere in TX.  The new service area will be in North Texas.   Under the
> terms of the agreement, TXU the biggest utility company in Tex., will sign
> 10 year contract for $150 million to use Current's technology which will
> also provide instant alerts about outages, and information about its
> electrical system.  It is thought that the technology would also
> read meters and remotely turn on or shut off power, eliminating utility
> jobs.   TXU has been engaged in a wide-ranging effort to build new
> businesses and cut costs and has been one of the utility sector's top
> performers for the past 2 years.
> Current, is a private family controlled company.  It plans to raise $100
> million from its investors, which include Google.
> BPL had technical difficulties, and ham radio operators have objected to
> spectrum interference, but Current says its service doesn't interfere with
> ham radio.
> The service is being explored through pilot projects, such as one with a
> customer owned utility in Manassas Va.
> Top officials at the FCC have expressed support for BPL because they could
> expand the availability of high speed internet access to rural
> In suburban Washington D.C., Current has set up a home to conduct
> demonstrations of its power-line broadband.  Among the 5000 people who
> visited, are FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, former FCC Chairman Michael
> Richard Russell, technology advisor at the White House, and members of
> congress.
> Rob / k5uj

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