[RFI] Re: Whirlpool Duet Washing Machine RFI update

Leigh L Klotz, Jr. Leigh at WA5ZNU.org
Sat Feb 12 12:11:49 EST 2005

Jus to clarify, Whirlpool did not say there were any fixes with these 
boards -- they said perhaps my existing one is defective.  Anyway, I 
will try just getting the parts put in as is, without putting any 
ferrite ebads on the cables or copper foil over the plastic control 
panel.  (I had some hope for the latter as the noise does not come from 
the power cable or from the sides of the washer, only the plastic 
control panel.  It is as if they did their testing assuming a metal 
chassis and then switched to a plastic cover.)

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