[RFI] 14028 to 14034 hashbirdietrash

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 27 16:55:57 EDT 2005

Frank, it's not universal. I sure don't have it HERE.  

Grab a handheld with HF and track it down. Probably a switching power
possibly one that runs your building's master antenna, outdoor lighting or
LV lights.


> [Original Message]
> From: Frank Brady <ftbrady at sbcglobal.net>
> To: <rfi at contesting.com>
> Date: 7/27/2005 1:24:34 PM
> Subject: [RFI]  14028 to 14034 hashbirdietrash
> Greetings,
> I've avoided this s5 to s7 noisy area at several QTHs, but now I've
> rediscovered the joy of DX hunting recently and I hate to give up this
> of the 20m band.
> I've asked other hams about this and many, but not all have experienced
> I'm not looking for anything peculiar to my current (2nd floor apartment)
> QTH because I heard it in our home and other apartments.  The same
> interference is on the low end of 30m as well - around 10.106 to 10.108.
> Is this a generic sort of city dweller problem one has to put up with or
> can it be addressed?
> Thanks and 73,
> Frank W0ECS

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