[RFI] RFI and Hybrid vehicles - What are MFRs afraid of ?
David Jordan
wa3gin at erols.com
Thu May 5 10:12:38 EDT 2005
The restriction may have more to do with the ability of the vehicle to
recharge the batteries than RFI.
I'll ask a friend at FMC about this concern.
n6ki at juno.com wrote:
>Recently I posted a query to this reflector asking if anyone had info
>about RFI and Hybrid Vehicles and effects to the vehicle or vice-versa.
>Thansk for all who responded - I forwarded the info to Joe W6VNR.
>Now Joe sent me this...
>"Well, I talked to Ford again,
>The Ford Escape Hybrid in the owners manual specifically FORBIDS use of HAM ( they spell it out HAM ) radio equipment in the hybrid vehicle. interesting
>Ok, so what is it that the car manufacturers are so afraid of?
>Don't they do tests that bombard these vehicles with RF at differnet Frequencies and Power Levels ???
>Think about this..
>What if "Joe Ham" pulls up along side a hybrid vehicle at a traffic light, or maybe alongside at highway speeds and transmits 100W on any particular HF freq and 50 or 25W on VHF/UHF.....
>Doesn't the hybrid vehicle have to sustain the same RF getting into it's
>wiring and systems????
>Is this just litigation paranoia that is causing them to just say no ?
>( Yes, I do know that one would have to be careful about where to hook up to and how to supply power to radio when installing wiring )
>73, Dennis N6KI
>San Diego
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