[RFI] Got RFI ? - Some Good Solutions Material
N6KI Dennis Vernacchia
n6ki_73 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 3 00:18:51 EST 2006
> Hi All,
> I was in the process of making a group buy for our local radio club
> of some -31 Mix Ferrite clamp on beads
> that will fit tightly on RG-213 size coax and also be good for smaller
> cables that I could
> thread thru several times for efficacy. ( Hole is approx 0.400" )
> I discovered that Mouser Electronics now sells at least this one
> particular -31 Mix Ferrite
> bead that works well for RFI problems per Jim Brown's recommendations
> in the past
> on this reflector. ( These do well in place of 43 or 77 mix and I now
> use this
> mix exclusively from 160 thru 6 mtr band to resolve RFI probs )
> They are $2.70 in small quantity but drop to $1.70 for 100 pieces,
> so get together with
> a few buddies or your local contest or DX club and snap up the discount !
> You can get to Mouser's order page by typing
> 0431167281 in Google search and it will be the first hit you get
> or go to www.mouser.com and enter part number 623-0431167281
> Mouser
> Part # Mfr.'s
> Part # Manufacturer
> Description
> Your Part# Order
> Qty. Availability* Price Ext.
> 623-0431167281 0431167281
> *NOTE: Important !*
> I found one anomaly with these and that is that if you do use them to
> snap directly onto
> RG-213 type coax ( approx 0.400" Diameter) or coax with the same
> diameter, the plastic shell that comes
> with the bead has a slightly* smaller *diameter than the hole in the
> ferrite bead itself and will not allow
> you to clamp the bead onto the coax until you take a pair of diagonal
> cutters and trim the
> plastic making the hole bigger. Just a nuisance for now as I have
> alerted Mouser and Fair-rite
> and hopefully they will use the correct plastic shell in the future.
> Also, if you would like to buy 2.4" Round ( Donut ) type, (
> Fairite P/N *2631803802 )
> *and these are really great for really tough RFI problems, you can
> order them from Dexter Magnetic Technologies
> I am not sure what their minimum order is but when I do my group
> buys of 100 pieces
> I have gotten a piece cost down near $3, though I hear the price will
> be rising sharply soon
> due to the price of one of the materials use in making the -31 MIX - (
> like going to $4.28 ea in 100 Qty ! )
> DEXTER MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGIES <http://www.dextermag.com>
> 800/775-3829
> or go to www.fair-rite.com
> click on PRODUCTS ( First Pull Down Tab)
> Then enter the part number *2631803802 ( 2.4 inch Donut -31 Mix )
> *and something like this info below will come up shoping who has stock.
> 2631803802 160 11/26/2006 Amidon Inductive Components
> <http://www.amidoncorp.com> 800/898-1883
> 714/850-1163
> Email
> <http://www.mectronic.com/scripts/mfgsendmail.asp?val=yes&NAD__ID=11752&mfgID=4605&companyemail=sales%40amidoncorp%2Ecom&companyname=Amidon+Inductive+Components&PartNo=2631803802>
> <http://www.mectronic.com/scripts/mfgrfq.asp?val=yes&NAD__ID=11752&mfgID=4605&companyemail=sales%40amidoncorp%2Ecom&companyname=Amidon+Inductive+Components&PartNo=2631803802&txtUserID=&mfgname=Fair%2DRite+Products+Corp%2E>
> PO
> <https://www.mectronic.com/scripts/mfgpoform.asp?val=yes&NAD__ID=11752&mfgID=4605&companyemail=sales%40amidoncorp%2Ecom&companyname=Amidon+Inductive+Components&PartNo=2631803802&txtUserID=&mfgname=Fair%2DRite+Products+Corp%2E>
> 2631803802 305 11/24/2006 Kreger Components, Inc
> <http://www.kregercomponents.com> 800/609-8186
> 540/776-7890
> Email
> <http://www.mectronic.com/scripts/mfgsendmail.asp?val=yes&NAD__ID=14120&mfgID=4605&companyemail=ferrites%40kregercomponents%2Ecom&companyname=Kreger+Components%2C+Inc&PartNo=2631803802>
> <http://www.mectronic.com/scripts/mfgrfq.asp?val=yes&NAD__ID=14120&mfgID=4605&companyemail=ferrites%40kregercomponents%2Ecom&companyname=Kreger+Components%2C+Inc&PartNo=2631803802&txtUserID=&mfgname=FAIR%2DRITE+PRODUCTS>
> PO
> <https://www.mectronic.com/scripts/mfgpoform.asp?val=yes&NAD__ID=14120&mfgID=4605&companyemail=ferrites%40kregercomponents%2Ecom&companyname=Kreger+Components%2C+Inc&PartNo=2631803802&txtUserID=&mfgname=FAIR%2DRITE+PRODUCTS>
> 2631803802 211 11/20/2006 DEXTER MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGIES
> <http://www.dextermag.com> 800/775-3829
> I have NO pecuniary interest in this matter
> ( I make not 1 stinkin PESO ! )
> 73, Dennis Vernacchia N6KI
> San Diego
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