[RFI] Telephone RFI

Ed Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Mon Jan 23 21:39:05 EST 2006

If you can't locate any of Rich Meaures' miniature L/C suppressor "kits" anymore, try the ol' ferrite core trick, i.e. looping the lines where they enter the telephone body through a ferrite donut --- or slipping beads over the line(s), if you can locate beads big enough to go over the plug(s)...

But even THAT may not prove to be the final word --- my neighbour three houses away years ago had RFI from my 10-meter transmitter with anything over 25-watts output, but ONLY WHEN SHE WAS STANDING UP!

Turns out the handset cord was acting like a helically-wound, resonant vertical when outstretched like that --- when she sat down by the phone table (& the cable was bunched-up & short) there was no RFI...and yes, I did have the Rich Measures' filters/toroids on both the handset cord, AND the mainline, as they entered the telephone... 

Here's another tip: keep the deflection yokes from the back of any CRT in discarded TV's & computer monitors. Beneath all that enamelled wire is a beautiful two-piece ferite core that makes an excellent RFI suppressor for speager leads, power cords, etc. etc. --- for FREE!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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