[RFI] FCC Clamps Down on Power Line QRN
Bill NY9H
ny9h at arrl.net
Thu Jun 8 16:15:37 EDT 2006
don't get too excited.... at least in Chicagoland ...
poles identified by Com Ed in March of LAST year....as needing work,,,
still need work,,,, the FCC did verify and did
contact ComEd... last July--- August..
the FCC was blown off for 6-8 months...without a response!!!!
ComEd finally in March this year came changed out
some stuff but the noise is still there. Then the
ComED engineers reverified there are still problems...
and set a fix date of SEPTEMBER 2006..another 6 months.
and that was ok with the FCC.....you know " homeland security" ....
now how can I argue with that ?????#%^$@%#@$
the clamp is only in Florida... where they don't have homeland security.
I told the local fcc I was "very disappointed with another 5 months"
told riley also !!!! It's only S9 to the east and north .....
At 01:05 PM 6/8/2006, doc wrote:
> > FCC Cites Florida Utility for Interference to Radio Amateur
> > The FCC has issued a Citation to Lakeland Electric, a municipally owned
> > utility in Lakeland, Florida, for violating Part 15 rules by interfering
> > with a local radio amateur. §15.5(c) of the FCC rules requires that the
> > operator of an "incidental radiator" must cease operating the device after
> > an FCC representative notifies the operator that the device is causing
> > harmful interference. The "incidental radiator" in this case is overhead
> > power lines. Under an agreement, the ARRL and
> the FCC cooperate in resolving
> > cases of line noise interference to Amateur Radio licensees. 6/8/2006 8:58
> > AM Mark Nelson - AA6DX
>This is wonderful news and a valuable precedent!
>Do you have a link to the ruling? I would be interested
>to learn how the complaint was filed and if the FCC
>intends to provide an efficient means for other such
>interference may be quickly remediated.
>Up here in the west Pasco area of FL there are several
>spots where one cannot hear an otherwise moderate
>strength AM-BC station due to chronic power line
>There is one spot along 19 in New Port Richey where
>all AM signals are completely wiped out. I have
>never experienced anything like it elsewhere but
>something there just blankets the signals -- it
>is as though one has turned down the rf gain!
>Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e http://bibleseven.com
>Florida Home w/Rohn 45 in concrete base & 10 acres for sale:
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