[RFI] 12vdc native laptop

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Wed May 24 00:16:40 EDT 2006

Larry D. Barr wrote:
> I've never seen a native 12 VDC laptop. Of course, that doesn't mean 
> they don't exist <G> I've had really good service from the Lind 
> Electronics "Auto/Air Adapters". They make for just about everything. I 
> have one for each of the three laptops I have and they work great. Seem 
> to be quite efficient too. I cut into the input line and fit Anderson 
> PowerPoles inline, so I can use 'em with the RigRunner in the shack or 
> just plug the cigarette lighter plug back on if I need to.
> http://www.lindelectronics.com/

I am going to have HF, VHF, & UHF gear in a box
between the seats and the laptop will sit right
on top of that same box.

My dc-dc converter is multi-voltage 15, 16, 18, 19,
20, 21v 4.0A 65W max  P/N:  GW-P006VB

I have yet tested it with the HF rig I plan to take
mobile because I haven't bought the rig yet!  :-)
I will try it close to the mobile VHF/UHF rig.

Using a little Grundig 100PE mini-handheld this laptop
wipes out everything from AM-BC through 18MHz at a
distance of several inches and raises the noise floor
considerably a couple of feet away -- that is on AC
power.  No difference on battery power.  It is
hardwired to the Internet router so it is not a wireless
nic generating the noise.

The IBM ThinkPad 600X is even worse -- without being
powered on!  And the RFI increases when powered on.

I cannot imagine that some of the noise from the
dc-dc converter won't get into at least the HF rig.
Have to hit the hay but will test my dc-dc converter

I know that there are mini-pc's now that come
with 12vdc power supplies.  I may have to look
to see what those 12vdc input power supplies
are outputting.

As I recall a non-laptop requires 12vdc and
5vdc, no 18 or 19v so maybe that is the solution?

I also use Powerpoles everywhere now.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e  http://bibleseven.com
Ham Links: http://bibleseven.com/hl.html

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