[RFI] Lutron and RFI

Charles Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Mon Nov 20 20:32:57 EST 2006

On 11/20/2006 Tom Rauch wrote:

> I'd be careful with that separate neutral suggestion.


I know what John is talking about - I think we've all seen circuits
that are not home run wired.  John is usually dealing with lighting
SYSTEMS - not the simple dimmers we deal with - on lighting panel
might have 50-100 circuits coming in to it.  What he is saying is that
each LIGHT, not just a set, should home run back to the panel - aka,
if you have 3 lights on a circuit, run a hot and ground from the
dimmer panel to EACH light - don't daisy chain light

73 de KG2V

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