[RFI] Power Lines

WarrenWolff at aol.com WarrenWolff at aol.com
Sat Dec 22 12:32:21 EST 2007

When I was quite young, there was an allegation that gardens  grew better 
under those AC lines!!
AND, now there's DC to contend with!  Isn't change  interesting?
Warren; W7WY
In a message dated 12/22/2007 10:11:55 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim,  
n6pe at yahoo.com writes:

I  probably shouldn't admit this but........... After all the Edison/Tesla 
things  I've seen over the years and a discussion with my brother that worked 
for Los  Angeles Department of Water and Power, I was SHOCKED to learn that some 
of  their main transmission lines are actually DC. I have always assumed all 
the  main power lines are AC. Even studies I've seen regarding health issues 
from  power lines reference AC.

There is interesting reading at  

OK, so you  all knew this........ but it was news to me.

Rick,  N6PE
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