[RFI] CO Detector

Leigh L Klotz, Jr. Leigh at WA5ZNU.org
Fri Feb 9 14:58:56 EST 2007

Carbon Monoxide has a 2.7mm spectral line as its lowest, so if you don't 
have any harmonics at 115 GHz you should be fine in compliance...

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 11:07 am, Roger Parsons wrote:
> VE3WO has several neighbours with 'Kidde' line powered
> CO monitors. He finds that they trip when he is using
> as little as 50W on 80 or 160m, and perhaps 100W on
> the high bands. He contacted the manufacturer and
> received the following reply (part):
> "In the case of interference from a amateur radio
> operator the amateur radio operator must make all
> possible efforts to mitigate the interference.
> This gentlemen must ensure that his equipment is not
> generating spurious emissions or RF power in excess of
> Industry Canada's requirements."
> This is an interesting response, in view of the fact
> that CFR47 part 15 (and the corresponding IC document)
> puts the onus entirely onto the manufacturer/supplier
> of the class B equipment. We have quoted chapter and
> verse to them and will see what transpires.
> Realistically, we are on our own. I am not willing to
> do anything which remotely compromises code or to
> internally modify the instruments (although that would
> probably solve the problem quite easily).
> My thoughts are:
> (1) Pass the power line to each unit through a toroid
> - several turns if possible - on the low bands the
> interference is almost bound to be entering through
> the power line. I appreciate that parallel capacitors
> are also highly desirable, but that would violate
> code.
> (2) Try alternative CO detectors. To that end does
> anybody have any recommendation on one(s) that seem to
> be rf immune? (It would be justice for Kidde to pay
> for them, but that is a bit unlikely!)
> Travis has been off the air for quite a while because
> of this problem, and regardless of the rights and
> wrongs he does not want to upset his excellent
> relationship with his neighbours.
> TIA 73
> Roger VE3ZI
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