[RFI] N6TR JA noise update

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Jan 25 14:16:49 EST 2007

On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 01:06:56PM -0500, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

> Have you snooped around the nursery?  They could have all manner of
> automatically controlled valves, heaters, and lighting.

Hi Dan.

I have wandered over there some with my 160 meter receiving loop and
battery powered K2.  The thought of a heater in a green house was an
obvious thing to consider.  Probably the biggest piece of data I have
against that would be that it was very cold this AM, and the noise was
hardly present at all.

The power lines I am looking at go to one small building - that appears
to be a pump house for the nursery.  It is possible that is the source.

There isn't much else hooked up to power lines.  There is a new barn that
was built near the bottom of the screen - and I was thinking it could be
someone's battery charged tool that was being used for the building.

I am close to buying my own Ionic Breeze to see if the noises it can 
make match up to the ones I am hearing.


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