[RFI] N6TR Northwest noise

N6KI Dennis Vernacchia n6ki_73 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 25 15:47:39 EST 2007

Hi Tree,

   When I clicked on your link in your mail, it did not work.
So I back tracked on the URL by entering

then clicked on each *noise.doc* letter individually

If I were to write and send these letters to my neighbors in So Cal, 
they would

A. Laugh

B. Say, "YES !, he is a STRANGE man I see walking around with a cross,
so where are all those vampires he is looking for."

D. Ask for a translation on Tagalog, Farci, Spanish, French.......

C. All go out and buy an Ionic Breeze machine hoping to drive me out
of the neighborhood and take all my antennas down

( See N6KI at www.qrz.com for a pix of the MonstIR- rous antenna system !


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