[RFI] Noise

Charles AF4O af4o at arrl.net
Tue Jul 24 19:10:04 EDT 2007

Sounds like good old power line noise to me. Maybe, maybe not.

At any rate, if you have a receiver and portable antenna (I use an
ft-817 and lightweight tote able 2mtr beam as most of the power line
noise I get goes well into the 2m range and is easier to find at that
frequency), see if you can triangulate and locate where its coming from.

If its power pole noise, maybe build the ultrasonic power line detector
that was in QST last year. I built one and it works great. It allows you
to often pinpoint the individual hardware that is bad once you have
found the bad pole by triangulation.

Then of course request you utility company repair. 

If your power lines are underground or the source is not power lines,
then using this method you may can find what house it's coming from. May
save somebody's house from burning with s9 noise.


-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Yuri Onipko
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:03 AM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Noise

For quite some time I hear noise that bothers me big time.
You may listen to it at http://www.rigexpert.net/noise1.wav
The recordings was done on 18 MHz using FT1000D in USB mode with 2.0 kHz
filter ON. Almost S 9 on the meter...
I hear it on all bands, with peaks on 7, 10, 14 and 18 MHz, but this is
probably because of better antennas for these bands. Usually it stays
night and disappears some time in the morning, AFTER I go to work. But
sometimes it stays ALL DAY and disappears in the evening. I'd say I
have precise pattern for it.
The noise is definitely coming from the direction of my neighbour's
house as
far as I can determine by turning my TH6 beam, however, there is a
with street lights in that direction too. The noise stays ON even when
street lights are OFF, but sometimes (very seldom) there is no noise
the lights are ON...
Any idea what could it be? Would appreciate any lead or INFO.

73 Yuri  VE3DZ

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