[RFI] Noise is everywhere (was Solar Arrays)

Roger Parsons ve3zi at yahoo.com
Thu May 10 17:16:57 EDT 2007

Laissez faire economics are alright in principle, but
in practice a great many things need to be regulated.
There are just too many unscrupulous or ill informed
people and organisations for it to be otherwise. The
regulations set up by the European Union cover a huge
field, are generally extremely unpopular in Europe,
but do include useful things such as rfi standards,
along with environmental and safety requirements. I
find it amazing that equipment with CE markings sold
over here would have the few cents worth of
suppression components omitted while they are
mandatory in Europe. 

It is certainly my impression that rf polution is
worse here than in England, largely because of the
almost universal use of overhead power lines, but that
may be because I haven't listened to British polution
for 10 years now...

73 Roger

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