[RFI] Noise is everywhere

David Garnier dgarnier at wi.rr.com
Sat May 12 12:24:31 EDT 2007


I worked in EMC compliance for a major medical electronics manufacturer 
in the mid-west,
I want to comment _on this thought_ and give you some *historical 
reference* as to why the FCC
isn't proactive in this department...

For the most part, you can thank the folks who design and build the wide 
variety of consumer electronic switching power supplies. In the last year I 
have found 2 mobility scooters with switching power supplies running their 
internal chargers that blot out 7, 10 and 14 MHz nicely. I have found 2 
cordless phone battery chargers that put lines on Channel 9 television. At 
least 5 larger style battery chargers ( for charging marine batteries and 
such) that make great 1-28 MHz QRM generators. Big switching power supplies 
for an elevator controller, one satellite dish switching power supply, a 
no-name DVD/VHS tape player, several photocells.....  the list is endless.

The FCC has made it clear it's not going to regulate issues that it
considers as "quality control..."  The FCC only became involved in regulating
radiated emissions to *protect the emergence of the television business* 
hence the design of 10 meters & 30 meters open air (OATS) radiated emission
test sites and specialized measurement antennas (designed by an FCC employee
by the name of "Roberts."  ((Years ago Roberts wrote a seminal book on his 
FCC work, I have PDF'ed sections of it.))

It is _my opinion_ (and others in the compliance field) that unless something 
really "bad" happens, (people are hurt or killed) the FCC will *not become 
proactive* in the compliance business. 

In the medical electronics business, it's not the FDA the drives patient 
safety - it is the Europeans! It's the Europeans (EU) who are driving the 
development of EMC regulations for *many years.* Forget depending on the 
FCC on doing anything proactive unless in concerns _loss of life_. (From a
patient prospective, this is a good thing.)

/The FCC is more responsive to lobbyists and their groups concerns./ Ask 
yourself, "Why should the FCC become active in matters of _digital media 
content protection_ compared to _software defined radio_?"


Dave Garnier - wb9own

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