[RFI] Car Advice

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Dec 31 14:29:33 EST 2008

Joe wrote:
> I was looking into buying a Prius.  When I talked to the Toyota salesman, I 
> told him I was a ham and asked if there were any known issues on installing 
> an all band, (VHF-HF) 100 watt, radio in the car.
> He was most emphatic when telling me that the installation of any electronic 
> transmitting device in the car, outside of a garage door opener, would void 
> the warranty.
My wife has a Prius.  I asked about installing the ham rig.  They would 
install it just as they did in my 4-Runner.  The only things they 
recommended were not to exceed 100 watts, and not to connect directly to 
the battery as it's a very small battery. However I could install a 
relay that would give power directly only when the car was turned on.

BTW, most of today's US manufacturers also give a limit of 100 watts but 
check as some "in the past" have said a transmitter would void the 
warranty.  Make it a quick detachable mount.


Roger (K8RI)
> Needless to say, Toyota lost a sale.  Subaru won.  No problems, saved 10 
> grand, and get 35 mpg on trips...ragchewing on HF all the way.
> Sorry about the interference issues with your Sequoia.  Guess the salesman 
> knew what he was talking about.....
> Joe Wolfe
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Car Advice
>> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 09:38:06 EST, Jimk8mr at aol.com wrote:
>>> Any experience or recommendations of something to get or something
>>> to  avoid?
>> I had MISERABLE luck with my Toyota Sequoia -- 100W on 20M crashed
>> the car's computer and put me in "limp home" mode in the middle of
>> the Nevada desert. Luckily I was able to reboot it by pulling
>> battery leads off and restoring.
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