[RFI] Car Advice

Terry terry at kk6t.com
Wed Dec 31 16:03:45 EST 2008

I thought this was the RFI reflector.  How 'bout we take this thread off 
the list.

73 & HNY de KK6T

kd4e wrote:
> Odd, the Japanese companies who build cars in the USA in non-union
> shops seem to be doing OK and their employees are not starving.
> Hmmmmm.
> Perhaps paying massive pensions to no-longer-working employees
> is not good business-economics?
> Who wudda thot it so ... :-/
> In what successful enterprises are other businesses equally upside-down
> on labor costs due to massive pensions and other atypical costs?
> Even within the USA auto industry compare Ford to Chrysler and GM and
> see that Ford is less upside-down and thus more financially stable.
> But we drift off-topic ...
>>> ridiculous labor contracts 
>> Yeah, those production line workers sure don't need or deserve the 
>> money to feed and educate their kids. Let them go into bread lines. 
>> Give it to the executives who ran these companies into the ground, 
>> the investment geniuses who stole our retirements, and to the 
>> middle-men who import stuff made by kids for coolie wages. 
>> 73,
>> Jim K9YC

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