[RFI] Wired vs Wireless Routers for RFI

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Jan 11 09:30:47 EST 2008

On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:49:58 -0500, Donald Kemp wrote:

>I ended up running shielded Cat-5 cable. 

Exactly how and where did you connect the shields on each end? What 
equipment (makes/models) were you connecting? 

The biggest problem with using shielded CAT5 for this purpose is 
that for much of the equipment we are connecting, it isn't easy to 
find a suitable connection point for a cable shield (i.e., a 
reference plane or the shielding enclosure). Without those 
connections, a cable shield won't be effective. 


Jim K9YC

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