[RFI] Microwave RFI - radiated (?)

dgsvetan at rockwellcollins.com dgsvetan at rockwellcollins.com
Thu May 8 13:09:32 EDT 2008


I am trying to figure out WHY your microwave produces RFI.  Unless there 
have been some major changes in microwave design very recently, the 
commodity status of this device has relegated it to a very cost-conscious 
design using mature technology.  For the most part, microwaves have used 
conventional iron core transformers (with minimal amounts of iron and 
copper, to be sure) for the HV supply.  The other prime components are 
usually the HV rectifier, perhaps a low value HV filter cap, and the 
magnetron tube itself.  (In some brands of oven, the recitifer and 
magnetron are integrated into one assembly.) 

Now, when you mention the rather strong RFI, two possible ideas come to 
mind:  either your microwave is using a high power, high voltage switching 
power supply (which tends to be a costly device for several reasons) or 
you have a malfunction in the HV circuit (arcing) or controller.  A high 
power switching power supply that has little or no RFI suppression could 
and would be a terrible nosie maker.  (From previous postings about 
variable speed laundry machines, we know that appliances seem to be exempt 
from FCC emissions requirements.)  Can you supply the make and model of 
your microwave?  It would be very interesting to know the nature of its HV 
power supply.  Of course, the low voltage control electronics could have a 
small switcher powering them, and perhaps that's the problem. 

Finally, there could be arcing in the HV unit or the magnetron itself. You 
may wish to do a little RFI sniffing as a precautionary measure.  I've 
seldom heard of microwave ovens causing interference except in the region 
of 2.45 GHz, which is their operating RF frequency range. 

73, Dale


"Donald Kerns" <dkerns at cruzio.com> 
Sent by: rfi-bounces at contesting.com
05/07/2008 04:11 PM

rfi at contesting.com

[RFI] Microwave RFI - radiated (?)

Hello all,

The band scope on my IC-756ProII lights up with about 15-20 dB of noise 
to mention killing any QSO) anytime the microwave oven in my kitchen runs.
This is most evident on 40m, haven't really checked on the other bands 

They are at two opposite sides of the house with at least 50' separating 

I've tried 4 turns of the appliance cord around one of "Doctor Brown's 
Toroids" to no avail (That's all that easily fit). 

Time to earn some XYL points with a new microwave?

73 de Donald


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