[RFI] [TVI-RFI-EMI] Noise every 15Khz on 17M

Billy Cox aa4nu at ix.netcom.com
Thu Oct 2 12:51:45 EDT 2008


If you shut down your house power at the
main breaker box ... do you still hear 
the 'noise' on the HF mobile sitting in
your driveway? 

Just one more data point to try ...

73 de Billy, AA4NU

-----Original Message-----
>From: W9RPM <john at w9rpm.com>
>Hi Larry,
>                Yes it occurs on all HF receivers.
>                It occurs on all antennas.
>                Does not occur with antennas disconnected.
>                Does occur on an HF mobile when I drive away.
>                It is a carrier, wide band I would say. Almost like a 
>buzzing sound.
>                It is there about 80% of the time.
>                Signal strength is constant when there.
>                It is the strongest to the east of me.
>                There are houses, a gas station, and Wal-Mart to the 
>east/southeast of me.
>                                    Thanks for asking the questions. Helped 
>me explain it hopefully better.   73 John
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Lefczik, Larry D" <larry.d.lefczik at lmco.com>
[TVI-RFI-EMI] Noise every 15Khz on 17M
>>I think you need to provide more detail.
>> Does it occur on all HF receivers in the shack?
>> Does it occur on all antennas?
>> Does it occur without an antenna connected to the receiver?
>> Does it occur if you take an HF receiver mobile and drive away form the
>> shack?
>> What do you mean by noise?  Is it a carrier?  Is it wideband white
>> noise?
>> It the interference there 24/7?
>> Is the strength constant?
>> What other info can you provide?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> >> Subject: [TVI-RFI-EMI] Noise every 15Khz on 17M
>> HI, I am looking for some help on finding a noise that is up to s9+
>> every
>> 15Khz on 17M. The loudest is on 18125, then it drops off slightly every
>> 15Khz from 18125. Thanks- John W9RPM
>> EMAIL: john at w9rpm.com
>> WEBPAGE: http://www.w9rpm.com/

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