[RFI] DTV and Powerline RFI

Mark Tyler k5gq at juno.com
Mon Oct 6 09:40:01 EDT 2008

I tried receiving over the air DTV some years ago. System was a backup, would check the secondary channel for weather.  Signal strength would vary from acceptable to drop out, just watching it.
Not able to improve condition. Not sure if it was interference, on every channel or something else.

-- where IKE brought down my TH7DXX, AND DTV antenna, tower.

-- "Roeder, Landon" <LRoeder at NESPOWER.COM> wrote:
With the advent of DTV and the impending Feb. 2009 conversion deadline, I wonder what types of interference will lurk on the horizon.  I realize that digital comms are a lot less prone to RFI, but I'm curious how strong interference will manifest itself in DTV.

Any ideas, Mike?

Landon D. Roeder, KC5ACP
Engineer II, Test Section
Nashville Electric Service
Office: 615-747-3309

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