[RFI] DTV and Powerline RFI

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Oct 6 10:00:56 EDT 2008


RF interference picked up at the receiver front end will result in  
pixelation, freezes, or the blue screen of death. I don't have a good feel yet  as to 
just how sensitive sets will be to RFI of this sort.  The  "good" news is that 
the interferee will probably not know what hit  him.
It is still possible that RFI will occur as audio rectification,  as any 
stereo or other device is already prone to. The same measures, i.e.  ferrites and 
the like, will still be the cure for this.
73  -  Jim  Stahl  K8MR  
In a message dated 10/6/2008 7:05:03 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
LRoeder at NESPOWER.COM writes:

With the  advent of DTV and the impending Feb. 2009 conversion deadline, I 
wonder what  types of interference will lurk on the horizon.  I realize that 
digital  comms are a lot less prone to RFI, but I'm curious how strong 
interference  will manifest itself in DTV.

Any ideas, Mike?

Landon D. Roeder,  KC5ACP
Engineer II, Test Section
Nashville Electric Service
Office:  615-747-3309

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