[RFI] Weird one

rick darwicki n6pe at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 12 13:14:23 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I have a Sony TV with a DirecTV box and DVD player connected with RWY cables to the Video Inputs. Beads and snap-ons on everything including the short speaker wires. On the low bands 40-160 with the DirecTV box and DVD grounded together the picture tilts with keying about 20 degrees and gets into the audio.

If I disconnect the ground between the boxes the interference reduces quite a bit. Now the interesting part. If I remove the RWY cables from the DVD to the TV the interference INCREASES. However, if I just UNPLUG the cables right at the DVD box, there is on audio interference and the screen barely jumps at all.

Any ideas?

.·:*´¨`*.·: RICK, N6PE .·:*´¨`*:·.

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