[RFI] Strange signal on 30M

Charles Johnson k4zrj at bellsouth.net
Wed Apr 1 16:49:48 PDT 2009

I hear it too. NE from Woodstock, GA abt S9+20. Has multiple migrating 
signals. They appear at 10.120, then slide up 10.140 then start over 
again. Some type of over the horizon radar?
73, Charlie, K4ZRJ

Ron Walters wrote:
> Was listening to 30M this evening between 10.118 and 10.140 and there is 
> a digital signal that occupies the entire space between 120 and 140.  
> multi tones spaced about 5 to to 7hz apart.  Only hearing it on 30M  
> Anyone else hearing it or do I have some new local noise maker in 
> action.  Signal exhibits QSB and is S-8 strong and getting stronger here 
> in GA.
> 73 de
> Ron W4LDE
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