[RFI] CFLs and UV myth

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Wed Feb 25 13:45:05 EST 2009

On Feb 25, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> I challenge anyone to provide any credible scientific study, a REAL
> study, not some garbage from some anti-power line cell phone kooks on
> the fringe, that proves that HF RF is a danger.  You won't be able to
> BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY.  Instead, you'll find a lot of smoke, vague
> iffy conclusions that say more study is required but until we're sure,
> (and get more grant money) we'd better abide by some arbitrary
> exposure guidelines, just to be safe.

A cite:
Increased mortality in amateur radio operators due to lymphatic and  
hematopoietic malignancies.


> I challenge anyone to provide any credible scientific study, a REAL
> study, not some garbage from some anti-power line cell phone kooks on
> the fringe, that proves that HF RF is a danger.  You won't be able to

Where did you do your research to know that there aren't any real  
studies, Rob? The way studies work is that a person or group comes up  
with a hypothesis, then tests it. Sometimes the tests show  the  
anticipated effect, sometimes they don't.  You can't test for every  
possible effect in any one study, there are just too many. A test  
which doesn't show any effect is not a failure, but rather another  
good data point.

Here is another link regarding RF exposure.
It's got a lot of stuff, UHF included since you  mentioned the cell  
phone kooks:


but the scientific evidence pdf is worth a download:

This is stuff complied over quite a few years. Let me know who the  
kooks are in that group.. 8^)

-73 de Mike N3LI -

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