[RFI] CFLs and UV myth

Doug Rehman doug at k4ac.com
Wed Feb 25 14:10:16 EST 2009

We are perhaps wandering a bit far afield, but I guess the RF Interference
could be with carbon based life?

Unfortunately the link is only to the abstract of the study. The abstract
makes no mention of whether there was any consideration given for the
occupational exposure of the hams; it also makes no mention of the activity
level of the hams. I know a lot of hams who are inactive. Since no mention
of considerations is mentioned, along with the amount of work that would
have been required to conduct a scientifically valid study, I suspect it is
just more junk "science".

We can thank the academic community's publish or perish mentality, coupled
with the media's continual need for headlines, for much of the junk science


> On Feb 25, 2009, Michael Coslo wrote:
> A cite:
> Increased mortality in amateur radio operators due to lymphatic and
> hematopoietic malignancies.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3422125

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