[RFI] [SPAM] Re: A RF Quiet Electric Fencer needed

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Jan 5 15:33:52 EST 2009

On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 01:17:34PM -0700, Hardy Landskov wrote:

> I had a neighbor that had an electric fence that was arcing to a tree trunk. 
> But once we solved that problem, the fence was quiet. Are you sure you just 
> don't have an arcing problem somewhere along the fence line? I don't think 
> electric fences are noisey until they start arcing over to something but I 
> could be wrong. I do not know all styles or designs of electric fences.

There are chargers that make noise - even when the fence is perfect.  Typically,
it isn't a problem unless you are pretty close to them.  I have had luck making
them quiet enough to live with by putting a LC filter on their output.  

I bought the same unit a neighbor had - made the mods (testing it on my own
fence) and then swapping with him.  

I forget the exact values - I wound the chokes myself on a wooden dowel in a
cordless drill.

Tree N6TR

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