[RFI] Electric fencer, or charged capacitor (Squirrels)

digital-conjurers at roadrunner.com digital-conjurers at roadrunner.com
Wed Jan 7 13:12:28 EST 2009


I agree with Mike.

A friend had a similar problem, and tried to employ an electric fence.  He 
eventually had to run the voltage up to 400 VDC to get through the 
insulative properties of the fur; this resulted in squirrels getting 
zapped, knocked on their cans, and then trying the same thing again and 
again until he had fried squirrel.  Then two.  Then...well, you get the idea.

These things have almost no brain, are incredibly stupid, and can make no 
connection between their own mortality, food, and something which will hurt 

Fortunately nature often takes care of it's own when left undisturbed, and 
we have a large number of several species of hawk out here...so the problem 
eventually became the hawk's dinner.

Wish I could be more ehlp, but, as I said, these things are incredibly 
stupid; a lab mouse is Einstein to them.


At 09:08 AM 1/7/2009 -0500, you wrote:
> > Roger (K8RI) wrote:
> >> I have a problem with Squirrels and need to discourage them without
> >> killing, damaging, or hurting them badly.

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