[RFI] Resolving HF Noise Issues

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Thu Jan 15 11:35:41 EST 2009

I am guessing that the UHF+ freqs will penetrate the cage - though

locating it "under the house" would surely limit coverage!  I am using
a Draft-N LinkSys and have not observed any notable HF RFI.

My antennas are all coax fed at the moment and are too far from the
house to be a conduit.  I also power the cable modem and LinkSys
from a trickle-charged battery which likely keeps RFI out of the AC.
(My rig is also run from a big trickle-charged deep-cycle battery.)

I look forward to what James shares about his wireless coverage.

> Do you have any problems using wireless with the router in the cage.  
> I assume you grounded the cage?  Have been thinking about moving my 
> modem and router to other end of house as I get lots of noise where 
> its at presently.
> Don T.
> --- On Thu, 1/15/09, James - KB7TBT <kb7tbt at gmail.com 
> <mailto:kb7tbt%40gmail.com>> wrote:
> From: James - KB7TBT <kb7tbt at gmail.com <mailto:kb7tbt%40gmail.com>>
> Subject: [Amateur-repairs] Resolving HF Noise Issues
> To: Undisclosed-Recipient at yahoo.com 
> <mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient%40yahoo.com>
> Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 9:34 AM
> Many folks have run into the same issue that I have in the past. The 
> cheep commercial networking routers and cable modems will create tons 
> of noise on the HF bands. We simply created a Faraday Cage and placed 
> all the gear inside and mounted it under the house.
> The network gear consists of 1 Cable Modem, 1 Netgear router and 1 
> Airlink wireless router configured as a glorified gateway.
> http://www.kb7tbt. com/pix/faradayc age
> These photos are of my friend Sean KE7CDE working on the Faraday Cage 
> and Ground.
> James
> www.kb7tbt.com
> www.ne4ga.org
> www.myspace. com/kb7tbt


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
FS/Swap/Wanted: http://kd4e.com/swapn.html
Free OS : http://www.PuppyLinux.com
Personal: http://kd4e.com
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