[RFI] CFLs and LEDs

WarrenWolff at aol.com WarrenWolff at aol.com
Fri Jan 16 14:15:51 EST 2009

I am buying a batch of incandescents, as well.  CFL's  have been a continuing
problem.  I should have written down the dates and  saved the receipts.   They
would have gone bankrupt replacing  all of mine.  All types of applications, 
with reduced equivalent light flux.
My friendly local "lightning advisor" electrician advised me  to shop 
carefully at Lowe's
and the like.  Incandescents rated at 130 VAC last way  longer than"regular 
120 VAC incandescents.  That is absolutely  true!
Warren; W7WY
In a message dated 1/16/2009 8:48:45 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
dhallam at rapidsys.com writes:

Peter  Laws wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 07:17, David C. Hallam  <dhallam at rapidsys.com> 
>> Do far my experience  with CFL's has been very poor.  I mark the date in
>> service on  each one as I install it.  6 months is the longest one has
>>  lasted with a couple a little as 2 weeks.  Overall, I would rate them  as
> I'm shocked at that.  I mark mine, too.  Some  globe-type bulbs in the
> kitchen table fixture have started to go (2 of  5 so far) and I was
> extremely disappointed to see that they'd only  been in service for a
> year.
> We replaced all  incandescents in our Chicagoland house in 2000-2001
> and most of those  were still in service when we moved in 2006.
> Notable exceptions were  the two lamps in the outdoor fixtures.  We
> also had some problems  with CFLs in a seiling fan fixture which I
> attribute to the fact that  the bulb sits at about a 45 deg angle
> instead of vertical (come to  think of it, we've had the same issue
> with a ceiling fan fixture here,  too.
> Except for special-needs fixtures (like the oven and  some others),
> I'll never use incandescents again.
I don't  remember the date when manufacturing of incandescents is 
supposed to cease  but based on my experience so far I may go out and buy 
a life time supply  of incandescents before it happens.  That may not be 
too many as I am  72.


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