[RFI] ATT U-Verse RFI issues???
Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at contesting.com
Tue Jul 21 02:48:10 PDT 2009
Judging by our local power company's practice, working on the HV does
not require turning off the neighborhood. Sometimes they can shut down
the offending leg, or if that won't work, what they do instead is send a
2-man crew, use insulating blankets and gauntlets, and work on the hot
line. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the company has rules
severely limiting such work because of cost, but it's something they
certainly *can* do if they want to.
73, Pete N4ZR
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On 7/20/2009 10:51 PM, Kelly Johnson wrote:
> Each time things are escalated, they
> finally jump into action but they never do what is really required:
> 1) Work on the 12KV section of the line (after powering off the
> neighborhood, which they hate to do)
> 2) Contact me and ask me to be there when they do the work so I can
> confirm that it is fixed
> The problem is on one of 2 poles about 25 feet apart. They rebuilt
> half of one pole, but that didn't fix it. Siince then all they have
> done is go out and tighten a few bolts here and there. They have been
> unwilling to tough the 12KV lines. I know the 12KV lines are usually
> not the problem, but my DF equipment suggests the problem is near the
> top of the pole (where the 12KV lines are) and that's the only part of
> the pole they seem to be too afraid to touch.
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