[RFI] ATT U-Verse RFI issues???

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Mon Jul 20 21:10:45 PDT 2009

Nicely done!

You may need to ask your State Rep or State Senator to make
inquiries as well.

Bureaucrats in government and industry operate on a simple
principle of hassle-avoidance, either inaction or action will
appear to generate the least risk and/or the greatest benefit
to longevity and improved standing within the bureaucracy.

The citizen or customer must discover and engage available
means to turn up the volume until their need for action
exceeds the bureaucrat's desire to avoid hassle through 

In your specific case it sounds as though the bureaucracy is
under pressure to avoid the cost of dealing with the HV line.
You need to persuade them that your lobbying for action may
become more costly in terms of unwanted "political" attention
than fixing the technical problem!

HTH ... doc

 > Kelly Johnson wrote:
> Yes, multiple times.  The ARRL sent PG&E a letter last year.  It lit a
> fire under their butts long enough to get them to come out 1 week
> later, tighten a few bolts, and leave without making sure it fixed the
> problem (which it didn't).  I've also contacted the California Public
> Utilities Commission which immediately got a PG&E rep on the line who
> promised to do something.  Each time things are escalated, they
> finally jump into action but they never do what is really required:
> 1) Work on the 12KV section of the line (after powering off the
> neighborhood, which they hate to do)
> 2) Contact me and ask me to be there when they do the work so I can
> confirm that it is fixed
> The problem is on one of 2 poles about 25 feet apart.  They rebuilt
> half of one pole, but that didn't fix it.  Siince then all they have
> done is go out and tighten a few bolts here and there.  They have been
> unwilling to tough the 12KV lines.  I know the 12KV lines are usually
> not the problem, but my DF equipment suggests the problem is near the
> top of the pole (where the 12KV lines are) and that's the only part of
> the pole they seem to be too afraid to touch.
> I contacted the local PG&E RFI rep again last week.  If something
> doesn't happen soon I'll call the CPUC again or contact ARRL.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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