[RFI] Big Farad versus Hybrid Caps?
doc at kd4e.com
Thu Jun 18 18:48:49 PDT 2009
Again, *ignore* the hype and look at the technology.
The technology works because I own the tiny Gamma PS that
uses it: http://www.gammaresearch.net/hps-1a.html
Here is a paper from the early days of the hybrid technology:
Maxwell has been working on this a lot as well - it is often
marketed like snake-oil to the audio guys but there is some
hard science buried under all of the hype.
The challenge is to separate the fact from the hype. The O2
and gold-plated everything is hype ... but let's not toss
the baby
with the bath-water without a close hard look at the science
behind each product.
> I love it... chrome trimmed caps with volt and amp meters and blue led light
> strips! Be sure to hook them up only with the oxygen free copper cables,
> gold terminals and don't try to save by using 4ga cable, use the 1/0 stuff!
> David Robbins K1TTT
>> Ignoring the hype and the prices - can someone address the
>> difference
>> in technology between a big Farad cap and a Hybrid?
>> http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/Shop/Control/fp/tcat/28044/SFV/30046
>> Something like this "Power Acoustik CAPCELL-300" (300A x 2
>> seconds)
>> placed in-line with the vehicle DC supply, or at home
>> in-line with a big
>> deep-cycle battery or a AC-DC power supply, sounds like a
>> cost-effective
>> and compact way to make sure a solid state amp has all the
>> current it needs
>> when it needs it.
>> At home my plan is a US Battery 12V XC Sweeper-Scrubber
>> deep-cycle
>> (Amp Hours @ 20hr. rate 155min./75A for 77A continuous) with
>> a 20A
>> float charger. If I add a big Farad or Hybrid it seems that
>> I should be fine
>> for normal SSB operation of a 700W output solid state amp.
>> that usually
>> wants about 60A @ 13.8VDC.
>> WDYT?
Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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