[RFI] Alarm Systems and EMI/EMC

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sat May 9 12:28:05 PDT 2009

Does anyone on the list have any experience with remote monitored home
security systems and EMI/EMC? Looks like some of the new systems use
wireless sensors. I am wondering what frequency these sensors operate at?
A friend who does a lot of topband oeprating mentioned that ADT sensors
use 319.5 MHz? Is this pretty much the standard?

This system will be for a remote site, so ideally I would like to be 
able to
transmit without false alarms and recieve without RFI on HF while the system
is armed.

Anyone know any home security equipment dealers who are hams or who
know anything about EMI/EMC?


Mike W4EF........

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