[RFI] RFI & Washing Machines

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Sat Sep 5 09:31:52 PDT 2009

Lots of excellent counsel all around, thanks!

I have included the two private E-mails (names and callsigns 
withheld) and the public one so that others may benefit as well.

Didn't someone create a repository for this sort of valuable 
information re. appliances and RFI somewhere?

Thanks again & 73, doc KD4E

Just buy the washing machine, pay with a credit card, and 
write on the bill of sale before paying that if the machine 
produces RF interference it will be returned for full 
credit.  I have done this several times and the stores seem 
to have no problem agreeing to this as they don't think 
anything they sell would cause interference.  Only one time 
did I return an item and there was no issue.

Our Maytag Neptune has real bad RFI. It comes from the DC
motor contol...

I'm guessing all the front loaders use a DC motor.

I'd go to the store, make them plug it in, and take a radio
with you.

Put it on spin cycle. Should work without water in the spin
Cortland Richmond wrote:
> Thing to remember: There are NO standards for the sale of
> appliances in Part 15. Given that in the USA it is the
> users' duty to alleviate interference, the manufacturers
> may not much care. My advice is to take an FT-817 along
> when shopping and ask for a power-on-demo.
> Gear with a CE mark may however be more EMI-quiet.
> They're more picky across the water.
> Cortland KA5S


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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============\ # KD4E
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