[RFI] LG refrig.

myles landstein myles.landstein at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 19:50:52 PST 2010

Recently  got a  Model # LMX28988ST by LG  walked  near it with my  FT817  on  80m  as a quick test,   and man was it throwing off  noise  (RFI wise).

I am guessing  it's  radiating  more from the unit itself vs  the   powerline (just a guess),  wonder  how  would I got  about  trying to mitigate  the noise?

Assuming  both cases   if it's not power cord   related and if it is....


Going to Dayton '11  It will get better with 
more support!

Myles D   Landstein
myles.landstein at gmail.com

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