[RFI] Power line noise

Ash Thornton thorntonash at comcast.net
Mon Feb 8 10:36:08 PST 2010


I found the posting from Corn country interesting.

I have a situation that also seems to appear with the cold weather,  
appears to be limited to a stretch of poles that dead end near my  
QTH. I found it with a loop cut for 7Mhz and a K3. Several other hams  
in the local neighborhood have the same noise problem I am seeing,  
160-40. I see S9 +20-30 noise under several poles and then drops off  
rapidly as I move along the line.

NStar the utility her near Boston has been checking this problem for  
several weeks. They use a ultra sound detector which has shown  
nothing. Several of there grounds are suspect and they will add  
additional grounds. A question, anyone know how to recognize a pole  
transformer failing?The noise seemed to peak on an AM radio just  
under one of them. NStar is coming back tomorrow to look again before  
they send out a maintenance crew for the grounds. I am getting a  
little worried because if it is not a ground problem they are saying  
nothing they can do as they see no arcing.

Any ideas?



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