[RFI] What the ARRL has power line noise?

kd4e doc at kd4e.com
Fri Feb 12 08:06:32 PST 2010

If they fixed the noise so that the ARRL and others did
not have to live with it 364 days a year could you not
inject some noise for the purpose of your demo one day
per year?

> Explain: Sometimes power line noise is a necessary evil and even welcomed.
> When I hold workshops it's very helpful to have noise in the local area.
> Part of the workshop exercise is to go in the field and locate power line
> noise sources. In my opinion, again, it's my opinion that not repairing the
> power line noise around W1AW is better for amateur radio than having it
> fixed. That could be considered a necessary evil.
> Mike Martin
> RFI Services
> 6469 Old Solomons Island Rd
> Tracys Landing, Md 20779
> rfiservices.com
> 240-508-3760


.Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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