[RFI] Update on the Boston area RFI

Don Moman VE6JY ve6jy.1 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 13:07:08 PST 2010

Utility companies routinely use hammers as part of their on going pole
testing procedure.  A 22 oz framing hammer is used to contact the pole in
each of 4 quadrants ranging from as high as the person can reach and down to
ground level, and a trained ear can easily detect the soundness of the pole
from feel and sound of the impact.  This is a wide spread way of doing
things in the utility industry in Alberta and is firmly approved by the
pole manufacturer as well.

The key issue is they don't want YOU doing it, but a trained employee
with appropriate training and protective apparel is part of the normal way
of doing things.

73 Don

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Ash Thornton <thorntonash at comcast.net>wrote:

> Some of you had requested I follow up on my findings here in the
> Boston area.
> And, thank you to all for the tips and suggestions.
> NStar did come out last week with their Radar Engineering VHF/UHF
> gear with a yagi for pinpointing the noise. The noise was so high
> along the power lines they could not pinpoint a specific pole or spot
> unfortunately. Not sure just what this means. So, their next step is
> to upgrade the grounds they found that were below spec.
> Interestingly, just after they were out we had a light, wet snow and
> the noise quickly all but disappeared for about 15 hours and then
> quickly rose back to previous level. This has happened each time we
> have had a storm. This last snow was so light  and the noise
> disappeared with the first few flakes it is hard to believe that
> helped, but there was a big rise in the humidity? I would assume this
> indicates an out door fault, given the correlation with snow?
> There was a very low level of noise coming from the same area, but
> did not have a chance to get back to check it with the 440 Mhz RCVR,
> but will be ready next time.
> Stay tunedand thanks,
> W1FQ
> PS
> Was thinking about calling our volunteer fire Dept to hose the poles
> down given we don't use hammers, but.......Just kidding
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