[RFI] RFI Status

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Sat Apr 16 17:12:33 PDT 2011


It is a bit of time, but in the past, once they find something they do
a good job...  I'll give them the two months.  I would like to keep a
friendly relationship with the power company, as this will happen

I also sort of understand that they are busy, and in the past they have
ALWAYS done well, so I trust them so far...  :)

If after two months nothing has happened, I will call them.  I'll post
status reports as things progress here...  This is the strangest
noise...  It is a broad buzz, when listened to via AM, a hiss via SSB,
and between 4 and 10 MHz.  Another person mentioned that it might be
resonance in the antenna, but I am using a BWD-90, which is supposed to
be broadband, and for the most part is...  If anyone is interested in
hearing the noise I could put up an MP3 file of it.


On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 10:12:05 -0600
Mike Fatchett W0MU <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:

> Two months seems like a very unreasonable amount of time.
> I would call back and ask if they could move you up as you would hate
> to have to get the Public Utilities Commission and FCC
> involved.......etc.
> On 4/16/2011 9:12 AM, Dave Cole wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I reported the noise to the Power company, and they are out two
> > months prior to even being able to look at it...  Sigh...
> >
> > Dave
> > NK7Z
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