[RFI] Dimmable CFLs

Bruce/Edith Goldstein wa3afs at nycap.rr.com
Thu Mar 10 12:23:44 PST 2011

I have a celiing fan/light in my shack which is operates with a remote control. I ended up using the 
dimmable CFLs after the regular CFLs rather rapidly (several months to a year was their life 
expectancy). After installing the 4 dimmable CFLs, I have had no failures (at least 2 years now). 
As far as RFI -- zip. I operate 160m - 2M and like to chase DX and some contesting. Thus I am on the 
air a lot and listening a lot. 
The majority of the lights in my house are CFLs and any RFI that I have has come from outside the 
house. The majority of time I have no RFI from outside so have not explored the neighborhood to see 
where it comes from. 
-- Bruce, WA3AFS

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