[RFI] Comparing Lightning Arrestors?
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Tue May 17 21:09:23 PDT 2011
On 5/17/2011 4:44 AM, dalej wrote:
> Myles, no problem.
> But just to clarify,
> A house was struck less than a mile from my QTH. Actually it wasn't the house, but a gas meter. The occupants could not return until the house was completely rebuilt months later. Nice house too.
> On my mothers property a lightning bolt struck a pine tree about 40 feet from her house, the tree was quite tall but by the time lightning was finished it was about 12 feet tall and parts of that large tree was scattered for a block around the house. The bolt moved on the ground, made it inside the house to an electrical outlet on the patio then took out a freezer and some other electrical appliances. The track was clearly visible as it burned a carpet leading right to that outlet. It was amazing. I have a video tape of it.
> Let me set the record straight. I know about TV transmission towers, radio towers, the Empire state building etc. The question was, was there anything to replace the ICE devices...From there we went on, and on...
> I think we're all pretty clear about lightning and it's effects. W8JI, which the link to his web page seems to have all the right answers so if I were inclined, that is how I'd pattern my lightning protection, but I choose to tempt mother nature and just disconnect every thing when I hear the distant rumble. If I happen to be away and forget to disconnect, well then I hope my insurance will cover, otherwise I am S.O.L. :( And that's about all I have to say on this subject. 73 Dale
I hope when you disconnect things inside you ground things outside.
A floating antenna or antennas make a tempting target for lightning and
from there it's a short jump to the house.
With the ground system here, I rarely disconnect anything and have had
no damage from numerous strikes to the tower. That's not to say I feel
immune with this system as I don't, but if I disconnect anything it gets
4th photo down on http://www.rogerhalstead.com/ham_files/cablebox.htm
shows the initial entrance box. It's been replaced with a larger box,
more cables, more polyphasers and more grounds. The bare #2 copper
ground line on the far right caries through to the equipment inside the
Roger (K8RI)
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