[RFI] RFI to and from adjacent cell site

Patrick wa4tuk-rf at comcast.net
Fri Sep 2 19:03:30 PDT 2011


Thanks.  Sounds like I need to keep looking.


On 9/2/2011 9:42 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 9/2/2011 4:42 PM, Patrick wrote:
>> Does anyone have any personal experience with living adjacent to a cell
>> sight with HF gear?
> N6RO had one on his property, and it generated massive birdies on the HF
> bands. He got rid of it.  As far as I know, they had no problems with
> his big station (six towers, multi-op).
> That's only one case I know of.  Something to consider is that no one
> pays any attention to trash on the HF bands when they're testing for
> emissions compliance, or if they do, they don't test with the wires
> attached that radiate the trash.
> One test that you could certainly do is put an HF rig in a mobile (or
> borrow a friend's mobile for a day) and see what you hear over there.
> 73, Jim Brown K9YC
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