[RFI] RFI issues in electric (or hybrid) vehicles

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 10 21:35:48 PDT 2012

FWIW Department: Some years ago at the Livermore CA monthly swap meet 
another Ham started up his Prius while I was walking by with an FT-817 
with MP-1 attached on 40 CW. There was a distinct whining noise whose 
sound ros einfurency as the wheels began to turn and he moved off. No 
surprise; lots of amps being switched for those motors.

As I said, FWIW.  Maybe I should haul out an active monopole (if mine 
still works) and an analyzer to see what one looks like in "real life" 
and not just here on the List.


On 4/11/2012 0025, Larry Benko wrote:
> Let's do the math for all to see.
> Assuming a 9dB increase in signal for every halving in distance and
> using your number of 1800'.  Then there would be a 9dB increase in
> interference @ 900', 18dB @ 450', 27dB @ 225', 36dB @ 112', 45dB @ 56',
> 54dB @28' etc.  In the near field the noise increases even faster.  This
> does NOT pass the reasonableness test in my opinion.  Perhaps you were
> hearing something else or that maybe there was something wrong with the
> vehicle but this is no where close to what I have seen.
> I have made over 70,000 mobile contacts and have driven by many hybrid
> cars on deserted roads in the western US activating counties and have
> heard noise occasionally from hybrid cars but never at the level you
> indicate.  By far the worst noise offenders on the roads are the noisy
> AC inverters that a lot of truckers use but I have never heard one of
> those at distances like 1800'.  So I guess we have a difference of opinion!

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