[RFI] Noise Problem

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Dec 3 16:23:12 EST 2012

On 12/3/2012 11:05 AM, Roger D Johnson wrote:
> I took out my HT and a
> 3el Yagi for 2m that I use for powerline noise finding. I
> tuned the HT to 145.25 (the video carrier for cable channel
> 18). I immediately picked up a loud buzzing when the antenna
> was pointed at the cable hardware on the pole. I tried 149.75
> (the aural carrier)and also heard loud demodulated audio. 

I think you may have found the cable TV's leakage problem.  You should 
send them a bill for consulting services at the same time that you tell 
them you are going to call the FCC if they don't fix it IMMEDIATELY.

Leakage problems couple RF both ways, both out of their system and into 
their system.  You might additionally motivate them to fix it by parking 
next to that leaky cable with the highest power ham rig you can find and 
call CQ a lot. :)

73, Jim K9YC

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