[RFI] Telephones and DSL

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Thu Dec 13 17:03:41 EST 2012

I've been experiencing a very similar RFI problem. Roger and I have 
discussed it. I didn't get quite as far along in determining the 
source, but have it narrowed down to a small area. Oddly (?), since 
snow and ice arrived a few days ago, this source that had been 24/7 
for months has become MUCH weaker. MOST, but perhaps not all, the 
ice is now gone from overhead utility lines but the noise remains 
essentially gone. I can only hope it stays that way!

Paul N1BUG

On 12/13/2012 03:48 PM, Roger D Johnson wrote:
> I got out a telescoping fiberglas pole, taped a sniffer antenna
> to it and took it out to the suspect pole. The telco line seems
> to be hot with the RFI that's been bugging me. Tha cable TV line
> about a foot above is much quieter. NO! I did not extend the pole
> and sniff around the 14 KV power line!
> Getting through the companies voice mail to someone who knows what
> you're talking about is a real hassle!
> 73, Roger

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