[RFI] Ballast for fluorescent lamp
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Dec 24 16:28:32 EST 2012
On 12/24/2012 1:00 PM, Roger (K8RI) wrote:
> On 12/24/2012 11:46 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> On 12/24/2012 8:29 AM, Steve wrote:
>>> The big-box stores only carry the electronic ballasts. Wonder if the
>>> electronic ballast will cause me problems?
>> Expect them to be noisy. Noise is radiated (at least) three ways --
>> from the tubes themselves,
> I have 11 2 tube, 8' fixtures. They have the big black inductive
> ballasts. No noise from tubes or wiring. That's 1650 watts and no
> noise with no shielding. Purchased them from Lowe's.
> However due to our "nanny state" feds I understand the 8 footers may
> soon be made of unobtanium.
> I used to buy the full spectrum versions 2 cases at a time and replace
> them all at one time.
BTW I found I could purchase the whole fixture for the same or even less
than the ballast alone.
Roger (K8RI)
> 73 Roger (K8RI)
> from wiring between the controller and the
>> tube(s), and from power wiring. I've seen advice from the EMC community
>> that it's possible to shield the fixture with screen wire to kill the
>> wiring from the tube, and radiation from power wiring can be killed with
>> a good common mode choke, using the measured data of Appendix One of my
>> RFI tutorial as winding guidelines.
>> http://audiosystemsgroup.com/RFI-Ham.pdf
>> 73, Jim K9YC
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