[RFI] Smart Meter Lawsuit in Texas

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Feb 26 13:49:05 PST 2012

Of course this is nutty. But keep in mind, this is coming from the same  
people who wear tin foil hats.
AFIK there is no privacy invasion here. The communication is one way - to  
turn off certain appliances when demand on the electrical grid makes it  
necessary, and to restore power when peak loads have dropped. 
There is nothing to communicate the status of the appliances  otherwise.
This is less of an imposition on your freedom than a red traffic light that 
 requires the driver, under penalty of law, to stop his automobile to allow 
 efficient use of the traffic grid. 
73  -  Jim  K8MR
In a message dated 2/26/2012 4:27:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
qrv at kd4e.com writes:

This  sounds nutty to me - aren't these things running  milliwatts?


The  potential for Orwellian privacy-invasion is more troubling ...
givr  government and/or power companies the freedom to remotely
control my  appliances?

Let me think about that ... ok, long enough ...  NO!


Thanks! & 73,  KD4E.com

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