[RFI] Smart Meter Lawsuit in Texas
qrv at kd4e.com
qrv at kd4e.com
Sun Feb 26 14:12:48 PST 2012
Well, if it is in-fact determined that the power-level at the
design frequency represents no health danger (in the context
of all of the hype re. cellphones and Bluetooth and other RF-
devices that could get interesting), the privacy matter may
People thought their smartphones were private, then they learned
that Apple and Google were accessing data and Google was able to
reach out and alter or delete apps without warning.
I don't own any tin hats, and won't be getting one either, but ...
If someone can remotely turn an appliance on and off I am guessing
it would be trivial to find a way to query the appliance for more
data, if not with the current "smart meter" and "smart appliance"
hardware and software, then soon ... there's a Google-like marketing
goldmine in monitoring appliance ownership and usage.
Besides, I get to choose when I use my appliances, the power company
can either sell me the power I need, or I can go off-grid if they
cannot or will not.
But that's a debate for another list and another time ...
> Of course this is nutty. But keep in mind, this is coming from the
> same people who wear tin foil hats.
> AFIK there is no privacy invasion here. The communication is one way
> - to turn off certain appliances when demand on the electrical grid
> makes it necessary, and to restore power when peak loads have
> dropped.
> There is nothing to communicate the status of the appliances
> otherwise.
> This is less of an imposition on your freedom than a red traffic
> light that requires the driver, under penalty of law, to stop his
> automobile to allow efficient use of the traffic grid.
> 73 - Jim K8MR
> In a message dated 2/26/2012 4:27:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> qrv at kd4e.com writes:
> This sounds nutty to me - aren't these things running milliwatts?
> http://www.wnd.com/2012/02/texans-demand-freedom-from-smart-meters/
> The potential for Orwellian privacy-invasion is more troubling ...
> give government and/or power companies the freedom to remotely
> control my appliances?
> Let me think about that ... ok, long enough ... NO!
Thanks! & 73, KD4E.com
David Colburn nevils-station.com
I don't google I SEARCH! duckduckgo.com
Network: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qrv
Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22
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